Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Renew me with Your Spirit"

Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a few minutes to share with you some of the “experiences” I have been going through since my first completion of the 5-day in-patient stay. From what the doctors and nurses tell me, they have chosen a rather aggressive attack with the chemotherapy drugs. I believe I was very well prepared (with tons of prayer and abounding peace) and wonderful support at the hospital. Personally, it really went very well. The tougher part of the progression has been in the process at home, the follow-up visits, eating right, taking pills at the right time, etc. Although, this time around there is a world of distinction then my first go with Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
I was given meds to help with the nausea and vomitting which is a big blessing. These pills did not exist 20 years ago and I am very grateful these are about the only pills I don't need to take right now. Yeah…I am very glad to be home with my family and see all their happy faces. There is nothing like family. I believe this is a lesson The Lord is allowing me to relearn.

I would like to share with you a few of my most prominent struggles that are consistent in which I could use your prayer assistance.

-Ever since they administered the Neulasta shot to help increase my WBC count (which is normal) my count went from enormous increase. The doctor is not troubled as this is part of the process. What I will share with you is, there is quite a bit of pain and discomfort I have been struggling with. I know it is temporary but I believe the last 4-5 days is just exhausting my mental, physical and spiritual strength.

-Additionally, the pain causes me quite a bit of insomnia. These are all common attributes of someone undergoing Chemo.

Please know that this is still a huge blessing considering all the other bad effects that could be happening to me. I know my Lord has been stepping in the gap for me to minimize so many issues. He is so loyal, yet, I complain about pain of 4-5 days Father, please forgive the weakness of my flesh and my mind and please renew me with Your Holy Spirit.

-I do suffer from what is known as "chemo brain"; a very nice way of saying 'horrible memory'. So, if we spoke, emailed or even texted and I forget, please excuse me in advance.

I am grateful to each and every one of you who have stepped out to show your love and support for our family. This only gives me great resolve to crush the cancer.

I am ready for round 2 starting July 6th.
May the Lord bless each and every one of you.

In His Strength,


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