Sunday, January 9, 2011

"What the heck just happened?"

Happy 2011 everyone!

We hope your Christmas and New Year's celebrations were very special. As you can imagine, ours was a month of rest, peace and divine blessing. Being together, with no expectation other than a heart of gratitude and praise was a tremendous gift! Thank you so much for your holiday greetings, emails and prayers. The Lord continues to meet us where we are, both as a family and individually.

And so we are here...2011, and January has already shown favorable for Rick thus far! His last follow-up appointment was fantastic!! Blood work revealed all levels right on target! We are so grateful that since his release following the transplant he has not needed any transfusions. Both blood and platelet levels are great! His medication list is shrinking...and he was given a 1 month out follow-up for next visit! He is about half way through his 100-day follow-up stage and lookin' good! The best news for Rick was to hear he was fit to get back to work, church and the gym!! He returned to the office full-time this past Monday, Jan. 3rd. He "feels so blessed to be back at work. KMJ has been incredibly supportive and continue to be amazing people to
work for and along side." His energy level is honestly better than I expected. Rick gets to the gym a few times a week now, and so far, manages his strength throughout the day at work. Plus, he still has some left when he gets home after a full day, to give to the girls and me, (and Lola!).

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your constant prayers! They have been answered, and in miraculous ways! Yes, God hears! Yes, He is faithful and good! The testimony of His grace and favor upon Rick and our family is extremely humbling.

As I reflect back over the last 10 months, I am in awe...

Of God's gracious love,
His wonder and power,
And His beauty.

To begin to think that in less than a year we discovered, battled and claimed victory over stage 4 cancer blows my mind!
What the heck "just" happened? I can't explain just how this journey has enriched our lives, on many levels. We thank our Lord for every single one of you who have endured with us in love, labored with us in prayer, and rejoiced with us in victory!
All Glory to God!

We continue to pray for you, our beloved friends and family. We know full well that God is in complete control of all. We know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him. Even hardships and trials. Especially hardships and trials! We pray that your love and trust in God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, will be manifested and increase all the more in this new year as ours was in the last. As we look to the future and what it might bring, we know continuous prayer and believing on the Lord for all things is and will always be our biggest defense and our only hope! We would love to hear from you, to share in your victories and stand with you in your cares. Please write as we would be blessed to keep in touch.

Can't wait to see what the Lord does this year!!

New year, new life & peace, in Christ-
Rick, Dana, Skyler and Kyra