Thursday, June 10, 2010

The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the LORD forever, For in Yaweh, the LORD, is everlasting strength.
Ex. 33:14; Is.26:3-4

Good Morning...

Praises be to GOD for another day. Yesterday was a good day. Rick's body was strong in overcoming possible side effects of the most recently added cocktails. THANK YOU JESUS!
His two biggest obstacles so far are constant hiccups (nurse Josie showed us a great trick that cures those babies!) and feeling pretty tired from lack of sleep (and not being able to fall asleep)---Dr. Mahmood told us that the steriod will do this. So a little sleeping pill, alotta prayer and [some] quiet, Rick was able to get sleep last night. I was so happy to hear him snoring. Music to my ears! As I write this he is asleep again...lots of zzz's to catch up on. Yesterday, he ate well and walked 2- 3 miles around the wing.

These next three days are generally the hardest in terms of the type of chemo drugs Rick is receiving. His immune system will be compromised more so as his white blood cells will begin to drop. With this in mind we were advised by Dr. Mahmood that visits from family and friends should be very limited during treatment because of potential germs and bacteria, as well as Rick needing as much rest as he can get. Rick is extremely grateful for all your encouragement, love and support through your phone messages and emails and texts. During these next days, the best way to follow his progress is by checking his blog and email updates.

ENERGY CONSERVATION: Rick really needs to focus on saving his energy for this battle. Please know that your calls and texts do not go unnoticed and your prayers are the best and most generous gift!

We look forward to another peaceful day, asking GOD to do all things well in and through Rick and that by His grace He would heal Rick, all for Jesus' Name sake.

With much love & gratitude,


Rick invites you to leave a comment, or if you prefer you can send him a note of encouragement via text.


  1. Hey, there! David "left on a jet plane" for Cincinnati this am! We prayed for you this morning, as we do every morning, that God would strengthen your body for whatever this course of treatment would do--and that you would come through with flying colors! (What does that mean, by the way? I've never seen colors fly, unless it means a rainbow???) I'm planning to get over there tomorrow morning to give blood, God willing! I'm also watching Ethan today and tomorrow and picking Leonard (the newly acquired grandson) up from school for the next week or so. Busier than I had planned, but God . . .! Hang in there, Rick and todo la familia. We love you, but even more importantly, God loves you! David & Donna

  2. Thinking about you. Hope you are resting comfortably. Someday you will have to share the hiccup trick with me.
