Monday, July 12, 2010

"Just Today"

Good day friends and family,

I sit here listening through the walls of our upstairs loft, Rick in our home office on a conference call... "The world doesn't stop just 'cuz Rick Lange's gettin' chemo...." were his lighthearted words a few days ago while answering work emails from his laptop while visiting the "hotel"- in a suite this time, no less..

GOD in His usual, yet, always surprisingly amazing ways, afforded Rick an early release yesterday morning (Sunday) after 4 days of hard chemo and a day of blood transfusions. Again, we praised GOD Friday night after receiving Dr. Mahmood's update on Rick's progress. His body is reacting better than good to the treatments and his cell counts continue to show favorable results! Not to mention, Rick's side effects have been fairly manageable. Gathering from Dr. M, this is no small accomplishment; with smiles on his face each time we see him lately.. (I think Rick cracks him up.) Nevertheless, I can only speak from my "cup half full" perspective as I watch my husband, a man of long-suffering and inner strength, appearing to be coasting through this wild ride. Not so, in reality; yes, without question, the LORD is holding him up and fighting this hard battle for Rick- displaying heavenly miracles and sweet victories- however, I am honored to share in the other times just as well, when Rick is left to endure suffering during this challenging time, an honor not taken casually. Full surrender to any worthy cause comes towering risks unknown.

As I consider what it must be like for Rick, I am undone by the power of surrender he displays daily. My heart is eagerly inspired by his strength and trust in our LORD and it gives me great peace to live in today. Although nausea and fatigue may plaque with a vengeance, and a dim attack of depression occasionally trickles in, Rick doesn't let up in battling back.

It's interesting, being strong, having strength to fight..when one has little strength... 'Nor by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6. May we continue to give glory where glory is truly due!

I read a most encouraging and heartwarming quote from George MacDonald today. He wrote, "We walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in." fast as He can get us able... Isn't it the truth that we become able when we become disabled? What better place to be than disabled in our Savior's presence?

So here we are, today, beginning recovery from trip two. In spite of his side effects, which thankfully are managed with medication, Rick is thrilled to be home. Needless to say, we are more than thrilled to have him home too! His appetite is coming back and he looks really good. He's scheduled everyday this week for Neupogen injections to boost his white blood cells and help prevent infection.

  • Please pray for Rick, that GOD would continue to show him mercy and heal him completely!
  • Please pray that GOD would bless Rick with abounding peace, joy, strength, and faith.
  • Please pray that we would continue to live in today all for GOD'S glory.

We thank you so much for your constant in our lives. Your emails, messages and visits, generosity with dinners and especially those of you who are blood donors. Your concern, compassion, reaching out and just being there means more than we can say. Lastly, we know we are continually supplied through thousands who are praying for Rick and our family. All of these, a true expression of love, priceless and cherished, we are eternally grateful.
May GOD bless you for Love with Love.

Life & peace in Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Love the new pictures. Rick looks as handsome as ever. I can feel all of the positive energy from everyone in these pictures. Praying for you all every single day.
