Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello All~

Tomorrow Rick will be checking in for, God willing, his last chemotherapy. Part B, known as Methotrexate, Cytarabine & a Methotrexate recovery drug. Not that these drug names mean much to you, yet we are very grateful for your prayers against the ill effects of these hard core attackers that war against the "health" of Rick's body. Nevertheless, we are so thankful to receive these treatments that fight disease and save lives; however, to recognize the true Physician is our gift. We ask God to bless Rick with grace, peace & joy to endure all things in the coming weeks; we pray for the LORD'S strength and courage to press through all hard times as Christ goes before Rick & continues to fight this battle for him. As the 4 of us prayed together earlier this evening for Rick and his hospital stay, Skyler acknowledged the fact that we all should be well routined in this chemo thing, however, she knew (as well as all of us at that moment) that we needed and asked for God's loving peace and encouragement just as much as the first time- deeply. It's hard when Dad is away.

If all goes as it has in the past, Rick should be released Sunday, Sept. 5th. (This continues to be a miracle in itself!) Although, the first 7-10 days after have usually been the worst; horrible nausea, fatigue, insomnia, body aches & very low blood counts. Praying against these too!

Rick is scheduled for a Bone Marrow Biopsy Tues. Sept. 21 to determine whether there is any cancer remaining in his bone tissue. This will determine if he will need more treatment or not. Please pray for Rick. Pray that God would have mercy & he would be healed! Whatever is revealed, we will rejoice.

Thank you for your love and continued prayers.

All Glory to God,


It is the sole prerogative of God to remove spiritual disease. Natural disease may be instrumentally healed by men, but even then the honor is to be given to God who grants wisdom to doctors and bestows power to enable the human frame to cast off disease. As for spiritual sicknesses, these remain with the Great Physician alone; He claims it as His prerogative: "I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal"; and one of the Lord's choice titles is Jehovah-Rophi, "the Lord who heals you." "I will heal your wounds" is a promise that could not come from the lips of man but only from the mouth of the eternal God. On this account the psalmist cried unto the Lord, "Heal me, O LORD, for my bones are troubled," and again, "Heal me, for I have sinned against you!" For this also the godly praise the name of the Lord, saying, "[He] heals all your diseases." He who made man can restore man; He who was at first the creator of our nature can re-create it. What a transcendent comfort it is that in the person of Jesus "the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily."

My soul, whatever your disease may be, this Great Physician can heal you. If He is God, there can be no limit to His power. Come then with the blind eye of darkened understanding; come with the limping foot of wasted energy; come with the disabled hand of weak faith, the fever of an angry temper, or the fit of shivering despondency; come just as you are, for He who is God can certainly restore you. No one can restrain the healing power that proceeds from Jesus our Lord. Legions of devils have attempted to overcome the power of the beloved Physician, and never once has He been hindered. All His patients have been cured in the past and shall be in the future, and you may be counted among them, my friend, if you will but rest yourself in Him today. [Alistair Begg]

Heal us, O LORD, and we shall be healed. Jeremiah 17:14

You have seen our ways, but You will heal us. Is. 57:18

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